Zion Foster 17, missing after her cousin through marriage picked her up from her east point home in Detroit back in January of 2022. Her Mother Cierra Milton said Her daughter asked to go hang out with her cousin Jaylin Brazier 24. Why was he trying to hang out with this young lady? we know all too well it’s not strangers who prey on your children it’s family members and this young man was preying on his cousin and it went all bad. The mother Cierra melton said she saw inappropriate text messages from Jaylin to Zion. This Horrible, the grief that this mother is going through, after tracking her daughters phone to the cousins house, and Jaylin telling her he haven’t seen Zion in month’s when she just saw him a few weeks before she knew he was lying and the police dropped the ball early on when the mother told them what was going on…Now Jaylin weak ass is in Jail for lying to police and the city is looking for Zion’s body at a dump site after Jaylin admitted to dumping Zion’s body in a dumpster! this dirty mf!! Anyway praying for this family and they get the justice they deserve! I hope they find Zion’s body so her mother can find out what really happened not what his lying ass is saying. #justiceforzion #keepitjuicy

Posted inGetting The Juice