“I walked in on my boyfriend in the bathroom yelling out of the window of our brown stone. I thought at first that he was yelling at the neighbors until i seen a sling back sandal thats not mine in the bathroom as well. He said some kid threw it in the window I do not know what to believe at this point.
Frustrated, NY
Hey Frustrated
did you look outside the window to see who he was yelling at? if not then you really don’t know who he was talking to. and if your intuition is telling you something isn’t right, it isn’t right. #keepitjuicy
My girlfriend and I have dated for 3 weeks and we are really in love. She has an Ex that bangs on her door all through the night and I want to protect her from him. I am scared that if he bangs long enough she may give in and go back to him. Am I crazy to think that moving in with each other is the best option to salvage my relationship.
OG Concerned, TX
Dear Mr Concerned
I’m a little confused at you only dating for only 3 weeks and it’s drama already! I suggest you leave that situation it’s way too early in the relationship , friendship , lovership or whatever it is to be having all this drama, this could become a violent situation..LET IT GO!! #keepitjuicy
I have a friend who is really nice but she shares all of her other friends business with me. All of their personal business that I am sure they told her in confidence. I am afraid that she is over sharing my business too because her friends look at me and treat me differently after I shared a very personal thing with my so called friend. What should I do Liz?
Brittney James, Milwaukee
Hey Brittney girl,
Listen one thing we shouldn’t do, is tell someone your business if you don’t want anyone else to know. Friends are our families and some people just like talk, maybe she’s just venting. However, If I were you I would keep certain things to myself you don’t need to tell your friends everything you better believe their not telling you everything. #keepitjuicy