A Second Man Found Dead At Democratic Donor Edward Buck’s Home

A Second Man Found Dead At Democratic Donor Edward Buck’s Home


A second young man was found dead at the home of prominent Democratic donor Edward Buck in West Hollywood early Monday morning. This is the second death of an adult male at Buck’s house. In July 2017 Gemmel Moore was found dead at Buck’s house from an apparent overdose and Buck was never arrested! Was he never arrested because these were young black male Escorts that he went and sought out for his pleasure. I’m sure this man has more skeletons in his closet and more victims. Edward Buck is out here getting young men on drugs so he can take advantage of them or have them take advantage of  him. Whatever way you look at it this dude need to be locked up and charged, where can you find two dead bodies at the same residence and know one is arrested and according to some News outlets there are other young men that engaged in some sort of sexual activity and said he had a fetish for young black men GTFOH : video belongs to #cbsla #KeepItJuicy


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